A transparent product quality for your logistic chain

Make important decisions for your products in real-time.

Name Sensor Created Date Logistic start Shelf life start Shelf life end Last update at
CH1-013469-1 tulips ETH-171890
CH2-013470-2 rose avalanche ETH-171890
CH3-013471-1 crysanthemum ETH-171890

green = everything okay, yellow = warning, red = attention problem (e.g. last sensor update more than 2 h ago)

Logistics, last-mile-logistics

All logistic processes, especially at their interfaces, where transport- and storage conditions change, influence your perishable products. The products always adapt to the actual conditions. A special challenge for perishable products is the last-mile-logistic, as many different products are travelling in one transporter in 1-2 temperature zones. Additional interactions arise through the natural ethylene production rate of the products. Depending on the sensitivity and the degree of ripeness of the products major changes of the shelf-life can occur just within this phase of the complete logistic chain which are relevant for the consumer. We give you support monitoring the product quality in your individual logistic process.